Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Back by Popular Demand

Lots and lots of people have been sooking about how my blogs have not been updated. (Shaan)
Well i would post some more blogs if people would write to me....

I have been kept prisoner by Peter, he wont let me come and visit Kieran and Suzie.

Round the Grounds:
whats happened in the past month

- Kieran Graduated from Medical School after 6 years of study.
- Tommy finished his first year of University
- The Love sat a very big year 12 exam - results come out on the 12th of December.
- Barbies new company is going along well (if your into organic Foods)
- Mike and Sam took Barkley dog to Lorne and she loved it.
- Peter is now a Bronze Medallion Holder. (keep away from the beach)

Peter and I are going to be inundated in Lorne this coming Weekend by 8 Female accountants, they say they are going to this place called a daiye spa (what is with that spelling)!!!
I cant wait until i can show them my magic trick !! ( this is if peter hasn’t fed me too much food again) Its not my fault I’m fat, my food is regulated by a senile old forgetful man who never remembers when he last fed me..

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


This is Barkley the Dog. His Owners are "The Mike" and Sam.

I remember that "The Mike" used to have a lovely dog called Rexy. I meet him once and i think that i scared him.....

I am surprised that "The Mike" Got a small dog because as he was growing up he always had big dogs and used to say that small dogs were just toys and useless.

I am looking forward to meeting Barkley.

Suzie told me that Barley pisses all over the floor. I myself have never had an accident cause i am the smartest cat.

I hear that Barbie is coming over to Barkley's for dinner on Thursday night, this should be interesting cause when she first herd of Barkleys existance she was very critical....

I dont think that Barbie likes me either .... so barkley i wouldn't worry ...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The day I caught a mouse !!

I was a cold day and I felt I had to prove myself as a cat, which I felt necessary as Peter has treated me like a dog since I was born...

There was a mouse plague at lake gardens and I happened to come across a mouse, I caught it with flare however didn't have the heart to kill it...

Later that day peter found a mouse and chased it into the kitchen cupboard. To my surprise he put me in the cupboard too but the mouse died of shock before I could kill it myself...

I must note that Suzie is very scared of mice I would like to come and visit her and protect her from the mice...


Friday, July 15, 2005

Why Suzie is so BAD

Here is a posting from a close friend of mine who shares my POV (Point of View) about a very annoying someone called SUZIE


I understand how must have felt toward Suzie when she abandoned you and how angry you must be toward her. She is very frustrating. Recently she asked if she could stay in the spare room one night at my house - so I washed the sheets and cleaned everything so she would have a pleasant visit. Despite this, she didn't bother to tell me that she had decided not to come and when I called her at 11 O'clock (i was worried as she is an alcoholic, can get very angry and was in enemy territory) at night to see if she was OK she said that she forgot and wasn't coming.

She really only seems interested in herself, so you should not feel bad that she abandoned you.


Mike thankyou for your insight!! and just for the record I am very scared of Victoria street.I know I am a very sweet cat but I don’t think that I would like to be turned into sweet and sour pork....

Monday, July 11, 2005

Some more beautiful photos of me

Peter and Me

Look at how beautiful I am

Such a beautiful cat

Friday, July 01, 2005

My wonderful owner

It is time to set the record straight.I love my owner Peter and I am his favourite member of the
BYRNE FAMILY. This is not hard to understand when you know the rest of the family.They are all a bit weird.I do not know how he puts up with them as he does.Suzie says she loves me but seldom comes to visit me. Tom and Michael just tease me and make me do silly tricks.

Tom calls me fat but he should have a look in the mirror.Joey is nice to me but is too busy chasing silly boys.

I am going to Lorne for the weeked and hope to do some bonding with Suzie.
As for my friend BEAU he is a good dog and has a kind but strange owner who spends a lot of
her time on the phone especially when I and others are waiting to have tea

Thursday, June 30, 2005

These are photos of my family - i know it's big they're catholic


By Popular demand this is a picture of me.
Look how beautiful i am.

My Eating Habbits

Kieran Says: "Rummy, there have been some allegations that you have a bit of a weight problem. I have heard that once you ate a whole packet of cat food. Is this true, and what do you think about it?"

Kieran i don’t think that you can really talk about weight problems, if you weren't a man i would think that your pregnant - with twins. Poor Suzie i don’t know how she puts up with you.

However my Weight problem is commonly referred to as my "undercarriage." My undercarriage is not a result of overeating but constant stretching and a hysterectomy. Unlike You Kieran.!!!!!

I did eat a whole bag of food and i am proud of that achievement. As you know i am a very clever cat, i managed to knock over the cat food while Peter was away. He is so stupid, he left the food open on the bench and went to Lorne for the weekend, giving me lots of time to polish off the food.

The Fat Tommmy says:
"Rummy you little fat arse you sound as if you have the undrcarriage of a 8 month pregnant cow. Tommy sounds like a legend and i think cat Jail is a wonderful idea and one that should be practiced regularly until then Jonas Bjorkman walks on water. "

The Mike Says:
"Rummy you sound like an unfortunate looking cat, have you considered doing something about your undercarriage? Rummy has this undercarriage come of age or is it hereditory? "

The Explanation of the name Rummy

The Mike says:

"You seem to be quite a contradiction: I understand that your name is 'Rum Tum Tiger' but you are a girl! You also have had a histerectemy. Not much 'Rum Tum Tiger' about that!Do you feel that your owner 'Peter' violated you by making you have a histerectemy?

I understand that his last and late friend Rex did not have to have such an operation and that he would sometimes get quite excited. Do you resent him for this in any way?Your familiy seems very weird!"

I understand that my feeder Peter went to see a show called "cats" and decided that his new cat (at that stage he didnt have a cat) Rum Tum Tiger after the main tom cat in the musical. I am very happy with the name, the fact that i was a female cat did not turn peter off the name. Peter may be likened to a Cocker Spanial (quite mad.)

All i remember about my late friend rex is that he was senile at the time and often did walking shits while crossing the road...

Why cocker spaniels are so mad - A Rummy point of View

For those who do not know me i am a very fussy and spoilt cat ... i hate any other kind of animal. My master Peter tells me that because i was not raised by my mother i never learnt to behave like a real cat .... which leads me on to my latest fan mail:

Jo says:
"Rummy I believe you have a best friend called Beau. Can you tell us a bit about him as I know you love him very much"

Beau is the only dog i dare to come into close contact with, however i think that Beau is a little mislead (which is not surprising considering he is a crazy cocker spaniel) when he tries to sniff my arse i hiss and try to scratch him. But we have been friends since i was a kitten and it is true that i love beau when he is not sniffing me.

Just for the record i still cant understand why crazy cockers paniels spin around all the time espicially those ones like Beau who dont even have a tail.

Rummy's Fan Mail

"Wow Rummy, your life story is interesting to date. I was wondering if you could clarify a few things that I have heard about you.

Is it true that you send mean birthday and christmas cards to your family? Why would you do that?It is also interesting that you complain about learning so many wonderful tricks. These tricks could you tour way out - why not join the circus? I do hear that you have small paws and smell like cabbage. "

Rummy's Comment: thankyou i know that i am a very wonderful cat ... it is great to hear from someone who appreciates me ... unlike tommy and Barb