Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Back by Popular Demand

Lots and lots of people have been sooking about how my blogs have not been updated. (Shaan)
Well i would post some more blogs if people would write to me....

I have been kept prisoner by Peter, he wont let me come and visit Kieran and Suzie.

Round the Grounds:
whats happened in the past month

- Kieran Graduated from Medical School after 6 years of study.
- Tommy finished his first year of University
- The Love sat a very big year 12 exam - results come out on the 12th of December.
- Barbies new company is going along well (if your into organic Foods)
- Mike and Sam took Barkley dog to Lorne and she loved it.
- Peter is now a Bronze Medallion Holder. (keep away from the beach)

Peter and I are going to be inundated in Lorne this coming Weekend by 8 Female accountants, they say they are going to this place called a daiye spa (what is with that spelling)!!!
I cant wait until i can show them my magic trick !! ( this is if peter hasn’t fed me too much food again) Its not my fault I’m fat, my food is regulated by a senile old forgetful man who never remembers when he last fed me..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rummy,
Great to hear from you! Im looking forward to seeing you on the weekend (and all the accountants - don't tell them im an engineer) . In return for showing us a magic trick I will show you how to play hearts so you can beat Suzzie (not that that would be hard!).
Love Shaan
P. S Say hi to Suzzie and let her know she can 'watch me study' anytime :P

9:20 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure that suzie ( correct spelling) would be able to kick Shaans arse antime especially in connect 4 ....

3:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suzie is a bi-atch and I bet I could beat her in Connect 4 any day

12:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rummy,
Thanks for a great weekend in Lorne (and please pass my thanks onto your humans)! Pity Suzie scared you too much and you couldn't show us your magic trick - i think she deliberately did it because she was scared you would beat her in hearts :P
Seeya around

10:58 am  

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